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Achievement Description
The Star is the embodiment of hope and healing. This was unlocked for launching Constellation4 for the first time.
The Hermit yearns to be alone. This was unlocked for launching an FC2 solution without any cloud community scripts.
The Chariot card is connected to your natural drive and determination, and can indicate an upcoming victory. This was unlocked for having a successful IPC connection between you and ZombieFC2 or the Kernel Driver.
The Fool is young and vulnerable. He has not yet experienced the ups and downs of life, leaving him unaware of the magnitude of life's challenges, as well as the potential he holds. This was unlocked for triggering an error in the FC2 engine.
The Emperor is a card of leadership and having immense power over your own life. This was unlocked for launching Universe4 for the first time.
The Magician card is a reminder that you are unique and have many gifts. This was unlocked for being a SDK Contributor or a Media member.
Judgement is a tarot card where your past and your future come together. This was unlocked for completing Constelia's Humanizer test.
The Wheel of Fortune is constantly revolving -- sometimes you will be at the top, and sometimes you will be at the bottom. This was unlocked for running Constellation4 with more than 1 iteration counter.
The Lovers card represents the close relationships in your life. This was unlocked by running a script in which you are a team member in, or you own a script with a team on it. This achievement can also be unlocked if you have the "Venus" perk with another member.
The Moon card represents hidden thoughts, feelings, doubts and fears. This was unlocked for running FC2 on Linux.
The Sun is a powerfully uplifting card, representing happiness, joy, vitality, and optimism. This was unlocked for running FC2 on Windows.
The Hierophant is like a messenger from the heavens. This was unlocked for having an HTTP client communicate with FC2's HTTP module.
The Empress is the most feminine card in the Tarot. This was unlocked because the Steam module recognized your Steam display name as something stereotypically feminine.
The Devil card carries themes of restraint and powerlessness. This was unlocked because your Humanizer4 RNG rolled the lowest possible assistance strength.
The Temperance card is a master of moderation. She encourages peace and patience, and reminds you to go with the flow of your life instead of trying to force its pace or direction. This is unlocked for being a buddy.
The Strength card represents courage, the fortitude of your heart, and your ability to withstand anything life hands you, This was unlocked for purchasing any perk.
The Tower represents destruction. It often comes up when everything in your life feels like its crumbling, and you have no way of stopping it. The weakest parts of your life must be torn down in order to build something strong and sturdy in their place. This was unlocked for using a Minecraft FC2 solution.
The Hanged Man tells you that sometimes small sacrifices are required to benefit the bigger picture. This was unlocked for purchasing the Galactic Team perk, to gain access to FC2T.
The most intuitive, connected card in the whole Tarot deck, The High Priestess is a card of awareness. This was unlocked for heavily participating in the XP/Perk system and making it to the top 50 in a previous season.
The World Tarot card is all about completion. It tells you that wherever you are now is exactly where you were meant to be. This was unlocked for having the the tarots: The Star, The Moon, and The Sun. You can only unlock this perk on the Divination page.
Justice is your firm-but-fair reminder that there is a consequence for every action. Whatever life is handing you at this moment comes from decisions you and others have made in the past, reflecting natural cause-and-effect. This was unlocked for using at least 50 times. You can only unlock this perk on the Divination page.